I have a Tax Debt to the ATO, can I set up a payment plan?

How can you be released from your ATO tax debt?
April 23, 2020
Why do I have a debt to the ATO?
April 23, 2020
How can you be released from your ATO tax debt?
April 23, 2020
Why do I have a debt to the ATO?
April 23, 2020

Yes, if your debt is under $100,000, it can be set up via automated phone prompts. Also, you can set up payment plans direct with the ATO or their debt collection company. We find, the payment plans are mostly between 12-18 months and do not (usually) exceed 24 months.

All ATO tax obligations such as BAS lodgements, financials, and superannuation obligations would need to be maintained; otherwise, the tax debt payment plans would be cancelled. If so, legal action would continue.